Brethren, Ionic Lodge held our first Meeting since Covid – 19 shut us down several months ago. Face Masks were required along with maintaining the safe distancing and hand sanitizing. 17 Members were in attendance. Business was conducted in the 1st. Deg. and the meeting was short. 1 hour.
W. Bro. Mark Barclay was in the Masters Chair for the evening and was presented with his Past Masters Certificate by M.W. Bro. Don Finan.
It was good to have V.W. Bro. Fred Walker in attendance. He was presented with his 60 Year Certificate and Pin, by R.W. Bro. Bill Swiderski, DDGM for District 7. W. Bro. Barclay acknowledged V.W. Bro. Walker as follows:
“Born in North Battleford October 1936, Fred grew up on the family farm about six miles north on Highway #4. He joined Masonry in 1958 and was Raised on November 14, 1958 in the I.O.O.F. Hall where Cherry Insurance is now located on 100th Street. V. W. Bro. Fred Walker served as Master of Ionic Lodge in 1991. He was Exalted in Royal Arch on November 19, 1959 in Battleford, SK. Fred has been active within his mother lodge, and has served many York Rite concordant bodies- such as Preceptory- as a staunch member, by sitting in the East and as Secretary and Registrar. He has also been active as District #7 Secretary for many years. Above all, it must be said that Fred’s interest is in history: Masonic, local, and above all, railroading, to name a few! Congratulations, Fred, on receiving your much deserved 60-Year certificate and pin from the Grand Lodge of Saskatchewan!”
Congratulations Fred, well deserved.