Brethren, Happy New Year. Our first regular lodge meeting was held on January 8th., 2021.  Other than the regular business of the Lodge, the exchange of Principal Officer Lapel Pins and Installation  of the Sr. Warden and Sr. Deacon, were the other order of business. Good Luck Guys. We are still under the constraints of this Covid-19 epidemic.  Unfortunately there is no clear let up in sight,  Hang in there.

Exchange of Lapel Pins between Bro. Gordon Whitton, Sr. Warden; W. Bro. Kevin Garner, W. Master & W. Bro. Art Galman, Sr. Warden.

W. Bro. Art Galman – Sr. Warden (1021)

Bro. Ron Crush – Sr. Deacon (2021)